
West Music is your xylophone resource!

West Music's carefully selected collection of concert xylophones is of the highest quality and craftsmanship, perfect for your classroom and performance needs. Beautiful Korogi wooden xylophones are perfect for beginners, giving them a chance to learn on a superior-sounding instrument with lovely tone quality, sustain, and projection while also being able to suite more advanced players. Available in rosewood, karinwood, and padouk, these instruments range from 2.5 – 3.5 octaves. For especially advanced players, West Music offers the Musser Pro xylophones. This beautiful rosewood concert xylophone is a professional-quality instrument, lovingly crafted with warm, seamless aluminum resonators and topped with silver lacquer. It has a solid frame that is easily folded, making it extremely portable. Play with the highest excellence and buy xylophone instruments from West Music.

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