First Steps in Music for Infants and Toddlers: The Curriculum and CDs
First Steps in Music for Infants & Toddlers
First Steps in Music series by John Feierabend
Spiral-bound softcover book with 4 CDs;198 pages
This set contains the First Steps In Music for Infants & Toddlers curriculum book, as well as the set of 4 coordinating CD's:
- Round & Round the Garden
- Ride Away On Your Horses
- Frog In the Meadow
- First Steps In Music: Keeping the Beat
The book is a complete music curriculum, for use with children up to 3 years old. The repertoire is based only on folk and traditional songs and rhymes because of their natural melodic expressiveness, natural flow of the language and texts filled with wonder. Selections include rhymes, wiggles and tickles, bounces, lullabies and more; each song has the melody line notated.
A resource for teachers - to use with children up to 3 years old and their parents, this book also gives suggestions on setting up a class, preparing parents, record keeping, expanding your music program and planning ahead.
Getting Started
- Age Grouping
- Setting Up Parent/Child Classes
- Preparing Parents for the Classes
Bouncing Techniques
Sample Repertoire
- Ride a Cock Horse
- Here Come 3 Kings
- O Misses Sippy-o
- Ride-o
- This Is Bill Anderson
- To Market to Market
- Riding Here to Get MarriedTrot On to Boston
- Handy Spandy
- Bimbo Bimbo
- Bossy-Cow
- Ride Charley Ride
- Had a Mule
- Leg Over Leg
- I Have a Little Pony
- Little White Ponies
- Ride a Little Horsey
- Ride Away on Your Horses
- From Wibbleton to Wobbleton
- Charley Barley
- 5 Little Riders
- Buster Brown
- Father & Mother & Uncle John
- Ride on Daddy's Knee
- Trot Trot to Boston
- 2 in a Hammock
- This is the Way the Ladies Ride
- Hippety Hop to Bed
- Walk Old Joe
- Gregory Griggs
- Hickory Dickory Sacra Down
- See the Pony Galloping
- So Fast So Fast
- Bare Back of a Donkey
- Tommy O'Flynn
Wiggling Techniques
Sample Repertoire
- Let's Go to the Wood
- Row Row A-Fishing We'll Go
- This Little Baby
- This Little Piggy Went to Market
- This Kitty Said
- This Little Mousie
- Seesaw Margery Daw
- The First Little Pig
- This Little Wind
- Fire Fire
- Laughing Baby Susan
- The Dog Says Bow Wow
- This Is the Father
- This Little Elf
- This Is the Man that Broke the Barn Baby's Thumb
- This Little Clown
- This Little Puppy
- This Is the Mother
- This Little Bunny
- This Little Froggie
- Hungry Piggy Snout
- Mr. Thomas Thumb
- This Little Piggy Said
- I Have 5 Pets
- This Little Cow
- Wee Wiggie
- Mrs. Mason
- This Little Bear
- This Little Squirrel
- This Little Boy
- 'Round About
- Little Pea
- Engine on the Track
- This Little Tiger
- This One Fell in the Water
Tickling Techniques
Sample Repertoire
- A Little Flea Went Walking
- There Once Was a Bumble Bee
- Old Hawk Goes
- These Are Baby's Fingers
- Bird Fly Away Away
- 'Round & 'Round the Garden
- I'm Gonna Bore a Hole
- My Father Was a Butcher
- Shear the Sheep
- Tommy Thumb Is Up
- 1-2-3, What Do I See
- See the Little Mousie
- Roly Poly
- The Cows Are in the Meadow
- Creeping Creeping Creeping
- 'Round & 'Round the Garden
- There Was a Little Mouse
- Creepy Mouse
- 'Round About
- 'Round & 'Round the Haystack
- Slowly Slowly
- Can You Keep a Secret
- 'Round About the Rosebush
- Sullivan Square
- 'Round About There
- 'Round & 'Round the Race Track
- 3 Little Frogs
- Creep Mousie Creep
- Washington Square
- Round Ball Round Ball
- Bumble Bee
- There Was a Little Hare
- Here Comes the Little Mouse
- The Little Mice Go Creeping
Tapping Techniques
Sample Repertoire
- Pitter Patter
- Shoe the Horse
- Climb Up the Ladder
- Pitty Patty Polt
- Soft Kitty
- Little Hand
- Hickory Dickory Dock
- There Was a Mouse
- Cobbler Cobbler
- 2 Little Eyes
- Brow Binker
- Pit Pat Well a Day
- Diddlety Diddlety Dumpty
- Here Goes a Turtle
- Higglety Pigglety Pop
- Akron Beacon
- Knock at the Door
- Is Johnny In
- Robert Barnes
- Down the Street
- Adam & Eve
- The Lord Mayor & His Men
- Johnny Johnny Whoops
- On My Toe There Is a Flea
- Cock-a-Doodle Doo
- X Marks the Spot
- Pizza Pizza Pumpernickel
- Shoe a Little Colt
- This Is the Rooster
- Head & Shoulders
Clapping Techniques
Sample Repertoire
- Hot Cross Buns
- Patty Cake
- Clap Your Hands
- Clap Hands
- 'Til Daddy Comes Home
- Andrew Brown
- Peas Porridge Hot
- Handy Pandy
Simple Songs
Simple Song Techniques
Sample Repertoire
- Fais Dodo
- Rock-a- Bye
- Rain Rain Go Away
- Johnny Had One Friend
- There She Goes
- 'Round & 'Round
- Seesaw Margery Daw
- Peep Squirrel
- Au Clair de la Lune
- I Have Lost My Closet Key
- Grandma Grunts
- Bye Baby Bunting
- Hop Old Squirrel
- Did You Ever Ever Ever
- Snail Snail
- Frog in the Meadow
- Go 'Round the Mountain
- Riding in a Buggy
Simple Circles
Simple Circle Game Technique
Sample Repertoire
- Ring Around the Rosey
- I Roll the Ball
- Sally Go 'Round the Sun
- En Roulant
- The Leaves Are Green the Nuts Are Brown
- Santa Maloney
- Roll that Round Ball
- No Bears Out Tonight
- Ring-o Ring-o Rang-o
- Allee Galloo
- 3 Times Around
- The Mulberry Bush
Beat Motions with Recordings
General Movement Information
Techniques for Lullabies
Sample Repertoire
- Ally Bally
- Bim Bam Biri Bam
- Hush My Babe Lie Still & Slumber
- Baloo Baleerie
- Bye-o Bye-o Bye-o Baby
- Little Baby Sweetly Sleep
- Go to Sleep Go to Sleepy
- Cherries Are Ripe
- Aija AnditAija
- Hush My Little Bird
- Mammy Mammy Told Me-o
- Golden Slumbers
- Bye'n Bye Bye'n Bye
- All the Pretty Little Horses
- Hush Little Baby Don't Say a Word
- Little Red Bird of the Lonely Moor
- Huna Blentyn (Suo Gan)
- I Gave My Love a Cherry
Lesson Planning & Templates
Sample Lessons (six semesters of lesson plans are provided)
Expanding Your Program
Index of Song/Rhyme Titles
SKU | 804143 |
Author | Feierabend, John M. |
Publisher | GIA Publications |
Series | First Steps in Music for Infants and Toddlers |