March Music Madness at West Music

West Music March Music Madness graphic featuring musical notes integrated with a basketball design, bold text in red, black, and gray, and the West Music logo prominently displayed.West Music March Music Madness graphic featuring musical notes integrated with a basketball design, bold text in red, black, and gray, and the West Music logo prominently displayed.

What is it?

March Music Madness is a video/social competition to win $500 in West Music credit toward a school music program. Each band director submits a video of their pep band performing by Friday, February 21st.

There will be two brackets for the competition, 1A/2A and 3A/4A. The brackets will be randomly drawn and announced on Thursday, February 27th with the competition starting on Monday, March 3rd.

After brackets are announced, videos will be posted each Monday of March to the West Music March Madness YouTube channel. It is then up to the schools, teachers, students, band boosters, etc. to spread the word and get people ready to start voting. Each voting round will close on Thursdays at noon.

What's required?

Each band director or booster program should submit a video no longer than 2 minutes of their pep band performing. Submissions should be sent to by 5 p.m. on Friday, February 21st. Videos can be submitted via:

  • OneDrive link
  • Google Drive link
  • Dropbox link
  • YouTube link
  • Wetransfer link

Please include in the body of your email:

  • Name of school and district
  • Name of director
  • Size of school
  • School colors/mascot
  • Image/file of school logo or mascot

How can I win?

Encourage families and friends to vote for your video! People can submit votes for their school by liking the video on the West Music March Madness YouTube page. At the end of each round, we will add up the results and announce which school has the highest number of votes.

When a school advances to the next round, their points restart at 0 and the voting process begins again.

Make sure to watch your email to know what schools are advancing! Emails will be sent to directors on Thursday afternoons. Every Monday, the winners of each round will get links to their videos.

What's the prize?

West Music will give the winners of the two brackets a $500 West Music credit to their account to support their local school music program. The two winning schools will earn the bragging rights as Champion in addition to prize money.

What dates do I need to remember?

  • Submit video: February 21
  • Bracket announcement: February 27
  • Competition begins: March 3
  • Winner announcement: March 31


We want to make sure that everyone has permission of the students appearing in your video submission. Please check with your school and make sure the proper media release is in place for any students that appear in the video. By submitting your video for the contest, you are indicating that you have the necessary media releases in place for all students appearing in your video Most schools and districts already have a media release policy in place that people sign off on at the beginning of the year. Please confirm before submitting your video.

When submitting your video to the contest you agree to allow West Music to reproduce and share this video in future marketing and publicity without reservation.


As a condition for entry, entrants agree to release, waive, indemnify, and otherwise hold harmless West Music and all persons associated with the contest from any liability associated with your video and this contest to the fullest extent of local or state laws. Entrants also agree to comply with all federal, state, and local laws.