Kodaly Approach, Method Book Three
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Kodaly Approach, Method Book Three
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Kodály Approach Method Book Three
By Katinka Scipiades Daniel
225 pages
The third book in the Kodály Approach series. Instructions on the preparation, presentation, and practice of Level 3 concepts. Includes lesson plans, song collections and directions for using the related transparencies (item 803931, available separately).
For 3rd year Kodály educated students.
Reinforce Materials of Previous Levels
- Greetings
- Get Acquainted
- Singing Games
- Review the Time Signature, Conducting & Beat:
- Activities to Reinforce Conducting
- Time Signature & Beat
- Review Rhythms
- Barlines, Bars, Double Bars
- Note & Rest Values
- Activities to Reinforce Note & Rest Values
New Material
- Learn the Traditional Names of the Notes
- Activities to Introduce the Traditional Names of the Notes
- Activities to Reinforce Rhythm
- Review the Simple Do Pentatonic Scale D-R-M-S-L & Its Intervals
- Review Staff & Writing: Activities to Reinforce the Do Pentatonic Scale
- Syncopation, and Review the Extended Do Pentatonic Scale
- D-R-M-S-L-D' & Its Intervals: Preparation & Presentation of Concept
- Activities to Reinforce the Syncopation
- Activities to Review & Reinforce D-R-M-S-L-D'
- The Eighth Rest & Eighth Note Upbeat: Preparation & Presentation of the Concept
- Eighth Rest, Activities to Reinforce the Eighth Rest, Preparation & Presentation of the Concept
- Eighth Note Upbeat, Activities to Reinforce the EighthNote Upbeat
- Hidden & Augmented Syncopas
- Review the Do Pentatonic Scale
- Extended Below Do (low So- low La-D-R-M-S-L): Preparation & Presentation of the Concept
- Activities to Reinforce the Hidden & Augmented Syncopas
- Activities to Review & Reinforce S-L-D-R-M
- The Dotted Rhythm
- Review the La Pentatonic Scale (low La-D-R-M-S-L)
- Preparation & Presentation of the Concept of the Dotted Quarter-Eighth Rhythm
- Activities to Reinforce the Dotted Rhythm
- Activities to Review the La Pentatonic Scale
- Activities to Reinforce the La Pentatonic Scale
- Dotted Rhythm
- Review the So Pentatonic Scale (low So- low La-D-R-M-S)
- Preparation & Presentation of the Concept
- Activities to Reinforce the Dotted Rhythm
- Activities to Review the So Pentatonic Scale
- Activities to Reinforce the SoPentatonic Scale
- The Sixteenth Note (Ti-Ri-Ti-Ri): Preparation & Presentation of the Concept
- Activities to Reinforce the Sixteenth
- The Sixteenth Note (Ti Ti-Ri & Ti-Ri Ti)
- Preparation & Presentation of the Concept Ti Ti-Ri
- Activities to Reinforce the Ti Ti-Ri Rhythm
- Preparation & Presentation of the Concept Ti-Ri Ti
- Activities to Reinforce Ti-Ri Ti & TiTi-Ri
- Hidden Syncopa Ti-Ri Ta Ti & Ti Ta Ti-Ri
- Review th Re & Mi Pentatonic Scales
- Activities to Review & Reinforce the Re & Mi Pentatonic Scales
- The Syllable Fa as a Passing or Pien Sound & as a New Scale-Forming Sound
- Preparation for the Concept of Fa as a Passing or Pien Sound
- Activities to Reinforce Fa
- Preparation for the Concept of Fa as a New Scale-Forming Sound & Presentation of the Do Pentachord (D-R-M-F-S) Scale
- Preparation & Presentation of the Do Hexachord (D-R-M-F-S-L) Scale
- Activities to Reinforce the New Sound Fa & Intervals It Creates
- The Syllable Ti as a Passing or Pien Sound & as a New Scale-Forming Sound
- Preparation for the Concept of Ti as a Passing or Pien Sound
- Activities to Reinforce Ti
- Preparation for the Concept of Ti as a New Scale-Forming Sound & Presentation of the La Pentachord (L-T-D-R-M) Scale
- Preparation & Presentation of the La Hexachord (L-T-D-R-M-F) Scale
- Activities to Reinforce the New Sound Ti & the Intervals it Creates
- Whole & Half Step
- The Major Scale (Dur)
- Presentation of the Concept of D-R-M-F-S-L-T-D'
- Activities to Reinforce the Major Scale
- The Natural Minor Scale (Moll)
- Presentation of the Concept L-T-D-R-M-F-S-L
- Activities to Reinforce the Natural Minor Scale
- Form Variation
Linking Kodály & Orff
Song Collection
SKU | 803930 |
Author | Daniel, Katinka Scipiades |
Publisher | Shawnee Press |
Series | Kodaly Approach |
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