Music & Books

Find the best selection of Music Teacher Supplies here at West Music!
Explore West Music's classroom supplies to make learning engaging, no matter the level or age group you're working with. Shop our chord cards and books for music teachers for your visual learners. A wide range of posters are available, which chart instrument families, treble clef notes on the staff, and hand sign ladders. Also included in our collection of resources for music teachers are fun and comfy rugs used to help teach notation; they also provide a great spot to corral little learners for group lessons. Our music teaching tools include flashcards, various-size staff paper, and ready-to-fill-out music awards and certificates to congratulate jobs well done. Browse our supplies and resources for music teachers today to find additions for your classroom.
Enhance your child’s musical repertoire with our fun music games for the classroom, school songbooks, and educational CDs. Like many other subjects, the best way to keep your eager students engaged is by giving them new songs to learn or by providing them with general music games to play together. No matter which method you choose, West Music has something for everyone! Perfect for kids of all ages and skill levels, our world music textbooks and fun activities encourage your kids to get up and sing, dance, and play along with the beat. Browse our entire selection of interactive music games for kids in the classroom.