Music Proficiency Pack 3 Beat Strips and Rhythm Markers
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Music Proficiency Pack 3 Beat Strips and Rhythm Markers
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By Artie Almeida. One of a series of Music Proficiency Packs (each kit available separately). Creative and imaginative, this unique series will engage your students with lively activities and help build a solid music foundation in each child. Students will quickly master the basics of steady beat and note values with this versatile manipulative kit, designed to be fun, child-friendly, and effective in promoting competency in the elements of musical understanding while reinforcing the National Music Standards. Beat Strips & Rhythm Markers aligns with National Standards #5 (reading and notating music) and #6 (listening to, analyzing, and describing music). Includes 30 blue cardstock sheets of playing pieces; each sheet is 8.5" x 11" size and printed with one Beat Strip and 12 Rhythm Markers. A Beat Strip has a 4/4 time signature followed by 4 empty boxes. Each cardstock sheet gives you 4 each of 2 eighth notes beamed together, quarter rest, and quarter note Rhythm Markers. Game pieces may be laminated for great ; For K to grade 4.
SKU | 550038 |
Author | Almeida, Artie |
Publisher | Heritage Music Press |
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